2024 Florida Community Association Legislative Update

-By Joshua Gerstin, Esq.

click here for .PDF of this article

A butterfly flaps its wings in Africa, and a hurricane lands in Florida six months later.” The same can be said about community associations. A few bad actors in one part of the state are caught, and six months later, an entirely new regulatory scheme for community associations is passed.

Known as “Condo 3.0,” the recently passed legislation affecting condominium associations is extensive. Plan ahead to avoid issues, the legislation goes into effect on July 1, 2024.

Although not as extensive as the condominium association legislation, homeowner associations were not spared extra regulation. The legislation affecting homeowners associations goes into effect on July 1, 2024.

CS/CS/CS/HB 1021 — Condominium Associations Effective July 1, 2024.

Click here for the full text of the bill

Community Association Managers

The bill requires community association managers (CAMs) and CAM firms to return all community association records in their possession within 20 business days of termination of a services agreement or a written request whichever occurs first, with license suspension and civil

penalties for noncompliance, except that the time frames applicable to timeshare plans apply to the records of a timeshare plan.

The bill provides conflict of interest disclosure requirements and a process for associations to follow when approving contracts with CAMs and CAM firms, or a relative, that may present a conflict of interest. The requirements are similar to the conflicts of interest provisions for condominium associations and their officers and directors, including:

  • Providing that, if the association receives and considers a bid to provide a good or service that exceeds $2,500, other than community association management services, from a CAM or CAM firm, including directors, officers, persons with a financial interest in a CAM firm, or a relative of such persons, the association must also solicit multiple bids from other third-party providers of such good or service.
  • Requiring that the proposed activity that may be a conflict of interest must be listed on, and all contracts and transactional documents related to the proposed activity must be attached to, the board’s meeting agenda and entered into the meeting minutes.
  • Requiring the board must approve the contracts with a potential conflict of interest, and all management contracts, by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all directors present.

Milestone Inspections

Currently, single-family, two-family, and three-family dwellings are exempt from the milestone inspection requirements. The bill exempts four-family dwellings with three or fewer habitable stories above ground.

Official Records – Condominiums

Regarding access to the official records of a condominium association, the bill:

  • Provides that, if records are lost or destroyed, there is a good faith obligation to obtain and recover the records as is reasonably possible.
  • Allows e-mail addresses and facsimile numbers to be accessible to unit owners if consent to receive notice by electronic transmission has been provided.
  • Prohibits the sale or sharing of such personal information to third parties.
  • Effective January 1, 2026, decreases from 150 units to 25 units the threshold requirement for an association to maintain specified records available on the association’s website or on a mobile device.
  • Requires official records to be provided to the unit owner at no charge if the Division of Condominium, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes (division) within the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) subpoenas records an association has failed to timely provide in response to a unit owner’s written request.
  • Requires associations to maintain additional financial records (e.g., invoices and other documentation that substantiates any receipt or expenditure).
  • Requires associations to respond to a records request with a checklist of all records provided.
  • Authorizes the division to request access to an association’s website to investigate complaints related to unit owner access to official records on such website.

Criminal Violations – Condominiums

The bill provides the following criminal penalties related to condominium associations, and the official records of the association:

  • Second degree misdemeanor for any director or member of the board or association to knowingly, willfully, and repeatedly violate (two or more violations within a 12-month period) any specified requirements relating to inspection and copying of official records of an association;
  • First degree misdemeanor for knowingly and intentionally defacing or destroying required accounting records, or failing to create or maintain required accounting records, with the intent of causing harm to the association or one or more of its members;
  • Third degree felony to willfully and knowingly refuse to release or produce association records, with the intent to avoid or escape detection, arrest, trial, or punishment for the commission of a crime, or to assist another person with such avoidance or escape;
  • Third degree felony for an officer, director, or manager of a condominium association to knowingly solicit, offer to accept, or accept a kickback; and
  • First degree misdemeanor for engaging in specified fraudulent voting activity, and knowingly aiding, abetting, or advising a person in the commission of a fraudulent voting activity related to association elections.

The bill provides that officers and directors charged with a criminal violation under ch. 718, F.S., are deemed removed from office and a vacancy declared.

Budgets, Financial Reporting, and Reserves – Condominiums and Cooperatives

Regarding condominium association budgets, financial reporting, and reserves, the bill:

  • Prohibits associations from reducing the required type of financial statement (compiled, reviewed, or audited financial statements) for consecutive years.
  • Requires associations to provide unit owners with a notice that the structural integrity reserve study (SIRS) is available for inspection and copying within 45 days of completion of the study. The notice may be provided electronically.
  • Allows associations to temporarily pause the funding of reserves or a reduce reserve funding if the entire condominium building is uninhabitable due to a natural emergency, as determined by the local enforcement agency, upon majority approval of the members.

Condominium and cooperative associations must notify the division within 45 days after the SIRS is completed. By January 1, 2025, the division must create a database of associations that have completed the SIRS. After December 31, 2024, the division must include in its annual report a list of all associations that have completed the SIRS.

Meetings of Condominium Associations

The bill requires:

  • Associations of 10 or more units to meet quarterly and four times each year the agenda must allow members to ask questions concerning the status of construction or repair projects, revenues and expenditures, and other condominium issues; and
  • The notice for meetings on assessments must include the cost and purpose of assessments and a copy of any proposed contract.

Director Education – Condominiums

The bill provides education requirements for the officers and directors of condominium associations to require:

  • Newly elected or appointed directors to submit both the written certification that they have read the association’s governing documents, will work to uphold the documents to the best of their ability and faithfully discharge their duties, and submit a certificate of completion of an approved condominium education course;
  • Four hours of training which includes instruction on milestone inspections, SIRS, elections, recordkeeping, financial literacy and transparency, levying of fines, and meeting requirements;
  • Directors to annually complete at least one hour of continuing education about recent changes to the condominium laws and rules during the past year; and
  • Association directors, excluding directors for a timeshare condominium, to certify, on a form provided by the division, that all directors have completed the required written certification and educational certificate requirements.

Voting in Condominium and Cooperative Associations

Regarding voting in condominium and cooperative associations, the bill:

  • Requires associations to notify a condominium unit owner or member that his or her voting rights may be suspended due to non-payment of a fee or other monetary obligation at least 90 days before an election.
  • Allows cooperative and condominium owners to consent to electronic voting in elections by using an electronic means of consent.
  • Provides that if the cooperative and condominium board authorizes online voting, the board must honor a unit owner’s request to vote electronically at all subsequent elections, unless the unit owner opts out.

Hurricane Protections – Condominiums

The bill revises the requirements for the installation of hurricane protection in a condominium building, including:

  • Creating a uniform definition for “hurricane protection;”
  • Requiring condominium declarations to delineate the responsibilities of unit owners and associations for the costs of maintenance, repair, and replacement of hurricane protections, exterior doors, windows, and glass apertures;
  • Providing a uniform procedure for approval of hurricane protection; and
  • Providing that unit owners are not responsible for the cost of removal and reinstallation of hurricane protection if the removal is necessary to repair condominium property.

SLAPP and Defamation Suits

The bill revises the prohibitions against “strategic lawsuits against public participation” or “SLAPP suits,” which occur when association members are sued by individuals, business entities, or governmental entities for matters arising out of a unit owner’s appearance and presentation before a governmental entity on matters related to the condominium association.

The bill includes condominium associations in the SLAPP suit prohibition, and protects unit owners who report complaints to government agencies or law enforcement, or make public statements critical of the operation or management of an association by prohibiting associations from:

  • Retaliating against unit owners, by increasing assessments, threatening to bring an action for possession or other civil action; and
  • Spending association funds in support of defamation, libel, or tortious interference actions against a unit owner.

Condominium Officers and Directors

The bill provides that the attendance of an officer or director at a meeting of the board is sufficient to constitute a quorum for the meeting and for any vote taken in his or her absence when the director is required to leave the room during the discussion and the taking of a vote on a contract in which the director, or his relative, has an interest.

Division of Condominium, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes

The bill expands the division’s post-turnover jurisdiction to include:

  • Procedures and records related to financial issues, including annual financial reporting, assessments for common expenses, fines, and commingling funds;
  • Elections, including election and voting requirements, and recall of board members;
  • The maintenance of and unit owner access to association records;
  • The procedural aspects of meetings, such as unit owner meetings, quorums, voting requirements, proxies, board of administration meetings, and budget meetings;
  • Disclosure of conflicts of interest;
  • Removal of a board director or officer under ch. 718, F.S.;
  • The procedural completion of structural integrity reserve studies; and
  • Any written inquiries by unit owners to the association.

In addition, the bill:

  • Requires that the division must refer to local law enforcement authorities any person it believes has engaged any criminal activity.
  • Provides that the division and the office of the condominium ombudsman may attend and observe any meeting of the board or any unit owner meeting, for the purpose of performing the duties of the division or the office of the ombudsman.

The division must submit findings by January 1, 2025, to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, of its review and recommendations of the website or application requirements for official records.

Condominium Ombudsman

The bill provides for the appointment of the Condominium Ombudsman by the DBPR secretary instead of the Governor, and deletes the requirement that the ombudsman must be an attorney.

Limitations on Actions by Condominium and Cooperative Associations

The bill provides that the statute of limitations and statute of repose for certain actions available to a condominium association or a cooperative association, will not begin to run until the unit owners have elected a majority of the members of the board of administration.

Pre-Sale Disclosures and Requirements

The bill revises the form in which the prospective purchaser of a condominium unit acknowledges receipt of specified documents to include a copy of the most recent annual financial statement and annual budget of the condominium association.

Effective October 1, 2024, the bill also:

  • Includes the annual financial statement and annual budget of the condominium association among the documents a nondeveloper seller of a unit must give to a prospective purchaser of a unit.
  • Allows developers of nonresidential condominiums the option of delivering to the escrow agent a surety bond or an irrevocable letter of credit with specified conditions, and
  • Revises escrow requirements for developers.

Condominiums Within a Portion of a Building or Within a Multiple Parcel Building The bill revises the definition for the term “condominium property” to mean “the lands, leaseholds, improvements, any personal property, and all easements and rights appurtenant

thereto, regardless of whether contiguous, which are subjected to condominium ownership.”

Effective October 1, 2024, the bill provides disclosure requirements for the creation of condominiums within a portion of a building or within a multiple parcel building. The association of a condominium created within a portion of a building or within a multiple parcel building has the right to inspect and copy the books and records upon which the costs for maintaining and operating the shared facilities are based and to receive an annual budget with respect to such costs.

Florida Building Commission – Water Intrusion Study

The bill also requires the Florida Building Commission to submit a report by December 1, 2024, to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the chairs of the legislative appropriations committees and appropriate substantive committees with jurisdiction over ch. 718, F.S., of its review of the standards to prevent water intrusion through the tracks of sliding glass doors.

CS/CS/HB 1503 — Condominium Association Insurance Effective July 1, 2024.

Click here for the full text of the bill.

The bill relates to using surplus lines of insurance for non-homesteaded homes (second homes).

  • HB 1503, will allow surplus lines carriers to make takeout offers on Citizens’ policies that cover second homes that are non-homesteaded. Some lawmakers had said this change would provide more options for snowbirds and others with vacation homes that have struggled to find affordable coverage and would take those properties off Citizens’ book of business.

HB 1029— Condominium Associations My Safe Florida Home

Effective July 1, 2024.

Click here for the full text of the bill.

This bill creates a Condominium Pilot Program within the very popular My Safe Florida Home Program(Opens in a new window) that continues to be available to single family homes. Single family homeowners may get the free inspection and apply for their grant now. After July 1, 2024, the site will be updated to include condominium associations.

For condo associations to participate they must meet the following criteria:

  • Be located within 15 miles of a coastline.
  • To apply for a FREE state inspection, the condominium association must receive approval by majority vote of the board of directors or a majority vote of the total voting interests of the association.
  • To apply for a grant, an association must receive both of the following:

Approval by a majority vote of the board of directors or a majority vote of the total voting interests of the association to participate in a mitigation inspection.

A unanimous vote of all unit owners within the building that is the subject of the mitigation grant.

  • The votes required may take place at the annual budget meeting or at a unit owner meeting called for the purpose. Before a vote may be taken, the association must provide the unit owners a clear disclosure of the program on a form created by the department.
  • The president and treasurer of the board must sign the disclosure form indicating that a copy of the form was provided to each unit owner of the association. The signed disclosure form and the minutes from the meeting at which the unit owners voted to participate in the program must be maintained as part of the official records.
  • Within 14 days after an affirmative vote to participate in the program, the association must provide written notice to all unit owners of the decision.

CS/CS/HB 1203 — Homeowners’ Associations Effective July 1, 2024.

Click here for the full text of the bill.

The bill relates to the governance of homeowners’ associations and the practice of the community association managers who manage those communities.

Community Association Managers

Regarding community association managers (CAMs) and CAM firms, the bill requires CAMs and CAM firms to:

  • Annually attend at least one member meeting or board meeting of the association;
  • Provide to community association members certain information, including the contact person, contact information, and the hours of availability;
  • Provide the community’s members upon request a copy of the contract between the association and the CAM or CAM firm;
  • Annually complete at least 10 hours of continuing education; and
  • Biennially complete at least five hours of continuing education that pertains to homeowners’ associations, three hours of which must relate to recordkeeping.

Official Records

The bill requires homeowners’ associations to:

  • Effective January 1, 2026, associations with 100 or more parcels, maintain a digital copy of specified official records for download on the association’s website or through an application on a mobile device.
  • Provide a copy of records or otherwise make the records available that are subpoenaed by a law enforcement agency within five days of receiving a subpoena.
  • Maintain official records for at least seven years, unless the governing documents of the association require a longer period of time.

Criminal Violations

The bill provides the following criminal penalties related to homeowners’ associations:

  • Second degree misdemeanor for any director or member of the board or association to knowingly, willfully, and repeatedly violate (two or more violations within a 12-month period) any specified requirements relating to inspection and copying of official records of an association with the intent of causing harm to the association or one or more of its members;
    • First degree misdemeanor for knowingly and intentionally defacing or destroying required accounting records, or knowingly and intentionally failing to create or maintain required accounting records, with the intent of causing harm to the association or one or more of its members;
  • Third degree felony to willfully and knowingly refuse to release or otherwise produce association records, with the intent to avoid or escape detection, arrest, trial, or punishment

for the commission of a crime, or to assist another person with such avoidance or escape; and

  • Third degree felony for an officer, director, or manager of a condominium association to knowingly solicit, offer to accept, or accept a kickback.

The bill also expands the current criminal prohibitions against fraudulent voting activity to provide it is a first degree misdemeanor for:

  • Knowingly aiding, abetting, or advising a person in the commission of a fraudulent voting activity related to association elections.
  • Agreeing, conspiring, combining, or confederating with at least one other person to commit a fraudulent voting activity related to association elections.
  • Having knowledge of a fraudulent voting activity related to association elections and giving any aid to the offender with intent that the offender avoid or escape detection, arrest, trial, or punishment.


Any officer or director charged with a criminal violation under ch. 720, F.S., must be removed from office and a vacancy declared.

Assisting Law Enforcement

The bill requires associations, if subpoenaed, to provide a copy of the requested records within five business days of receiving the subpoena and to assist law enforcement in any investigation to the extent permissible by law.

Financial Reporting

The bill:

  • Requires associations with 1,000 or more parcels to have audited financial statements; and
  • Prohibits associations from reducing the required type of financial statement (compiled, reviewed, or audited financial statements) for consecutive years.

Requirement to Provide Accounting

The bill allows association parcel owners to make a written request for a detailed accounting of any amounts owed to the association. If the association fails to provide the accounting within 15 business days of a written request, any outstanding fines of the requester are waived if the fine is more than 30 days past due and the association did not give prior written notice of the fines. It also prohibits parcel owners from requesting another detailed accounting within 90 days of such a request.

Education – Officers and Directors

The bill revises the education requirements for the directors of homeowners’ associations to:

  • Require a newly elected or appointed director to, within 90 days after being elected or appointment to submit a certificate of having completed the educational curriculum.
  • Require that the educational curriculum include training relating to financial literacy and transparency, recordkeeping, levying of fines, and notice and meeting requirements.
  • Require a director of an association that has:
    • Fewer than 2,500 parcels to complete at least four hours of continuing education annually.
  • 2,500 or more parcels must complete at least eight hours of continuing education annually.

Enforcement of Covenants and Rules

The bill requires associations or an architectural, construction improvement, or other similar committee to:

  • Provide written notice to the parcel owner of the rule or covenant relied upon when denying the request for the construction of a structure or other improvement;
  • Not place limits on the interior of a structure or require review of HVAC, refrigeration, heating, or ventilating system not visible from a parcel’s frontage, an adjacent parcel, common area, or community golf course, if a substantially similar system has been previously approved; and
  • Not prevent a homeowner from installing or displaying vegetable gardens and clotheslines in areas not visible from the frontage or an adjacent parcel, an adjacent common area, or a community golf course.

Fines, Suspensions, and Liens

Associations must have a hearing before a committee to review a fine or suspension issued by the board, and the bill:

  • Requires the 14-day notice of the parcel owner’s right to a hearing to be in writing;
  • Requires the hearing to be held within 90 days of the notice of hearing;
  • Allows the committee to hold the hearing by telephone or other electronic means;
  • Requires written findings related to the violation to be provided within seven days of the hearing, the date the fine must be paid or the suspension fulfilled;
  • Requires the date by which the fine must be paid to be at least 30 days after delivery of the written notice of the committee’s decision; or
  • Prohibits attorney fees and costs based on actions taken by the board before the date set for the fine to be paid;
  • Allows that, if a violation and the proposed fine or suspension is not cured or the fine is not paid, reasonable attorney fees and costs may be awarded to the association, but may not begin to accrue until after the payment date of the fine or the appeal time has expired.

The bill prohibits homeowners’ associations from issuing a fine or suspension for:

  • Leaving garbage receptacles at the curb or end of the driveway less than 24 hours before or after the designated garbage collection day or time.
  • Leaving holiday decorations or lights up longer than indicated in the governing documents, unless such decorations or lights are left up for longer than one week after the association provides written notice of the violation to the parcel owner.

The bill also provides that homeowners’ associations may not prohibit a homeowner or others from parking:

  • A personal vehicle, including a pickup truck, in the property owner’s driveway or in any other area where they have a right to park.
  • A work vehicle, which is not a commercial motor vehicle, in the property owner’s driveway.
  • Their assigned first responder vehicle on public roads or rights-of-way within the homeowners’ association.

In addition, the governing documents may not prohibit a property owner from:

  • Inviting, hiring, or allowing entry to a contractor or worker on the owner’s parcel solely because the contractor or worker is not on a preferred vendor list of the homeowners’ association or does not have a professional or occupational license.
  • Operating a vehicle in conformance with state traffic laws, on public roads or rights-of- way or the property owner’s parcel, unless the vehicle is a commercial motor vehicle.

Electronic Voting

The bill allows members of a homeowners’ association to consent to electronic voting by using an electronic means of consent. Current law requires written consent to vote electronically.


The bill permits only simple interest, not compound interest, to accrue on assessments and installments on assessments that are not paid when due.


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New Federal Law Mandates Community Association Disclosures!

By: Joshua Gerstin, Esq.

 (click here for .PDF version)

On January 1, 2024, a new Federal law known as the “Corporate Transparency Act” (“Act”) went into effect. The Act requires community association directors (and others) to disclose significant private personal information to the United States government by January 1, 2025.

Although the ACT was designed to pierce “shell” corporations in search of sex trafficking, money laundering, and other crimes, its overly and unnecessarily broad drafting ensnares community associations as not-for-profit corporations.

The ACT requires all corporations to report beneficial ownership information to the U.S. Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). Individuals who willfully fail to report the following information are subject to civil and criminal penalties:

•           Association name.

•           Board members’ names, birthdates, home addresses, and identifying information from a driver’s license, government-issued identification, or valid passport. 

•           Names, birthdates, home addresses, and identifying information from a driver’s license, government-issued identification, or valid passport of individuals with substantial control. Whether or not this requirement includes property managers is unknown.

Additionally, the federal government has to be notified within thirty days if any of the information already submitted changes (e.g., new directors or property managers). Currently, efforts are underway to exempt community associations from the ACT. However, considering this law was passed over a presidential veto and the inability of Congress to pass legislation, hopes are dim that the law will be changed before compliance is required. For more information or to prepare, below is the link to the website for submission of information for the ACT.

Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting | FinCEN.gov

(click here for .PDF version)

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2023 Florida Community Association Legislative Update

On May 5, 2023, Florida’s Legislature concluded its annual 60-day legislative session.  Unlike previous legislative sessions, this year’s session garnered little media attention while the legislators were busy at work passing many laws impacting Florida’s community associations.

For the .pdf version of this article, click here.

Following is a list of the bills Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed into legislation:

1.         Homeowner Associations.  House Bill 919 (“Homeowners Association Bill of Rights”) (click here for the full bill).  These laws will take effect on October 1, 2023.

Board meeting notices.  All Board meeting notices must specifically list the meeting’s agenda.

Owner deposits.  If a homeowners association collects a deposit from a member for any reason, including for a tenant or construction, and regardless if it is called a “security deposit,” the association must maintain all funds separately and not commingle them with association funds.  Additionally, all funds deposited with the association must be returned within thirty days after receiving notice the reason for which the deposit was collected is complete.  If requested by the owner, the association must provide an accounting of the funds deposited within seven (7) days of receiving the request.

Kickbacks.  If an officer or director (or property manager) solicits or receives anything of value for him or his family from any person or entity providing goods or services to the Association may be immediately removed from the Board by the remaining Board of Directors.  The violator is also subject to civil monetary fines.  However, an officer, director, or manager may continue to accept food consumed at a business meeting with a value of less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per person or a service or good receipt in connection with the trade fair or education program.

Official Records.  The law clarifies any parcel owner, or their authorized representative, may inspect Official Records.

Fines.  The existing law was clarified to make it clear that fines may be levied for violations of the declaration, bylaws, or rules.  Additionally, the notice to the member from the fining committee must include a description of the alleged violation, the specific action required to cure such violation, if applicable, and the date and location of the hearing.  A  parcel owner can attend a hearing by telephone or other electronic means.  The letter from the finning committee after its hearing must include any applicable fines or suspensions the committee approved or rejected and how the parcel owner or any occupant, licensee, or invitee of the parcel owner may cure the violation, if applicable.  All payments for fines are due within five days from the notice to the member.

Voting.  Each of the following acts is considered a fraudulent voting activity and constitutes a misdemeanor of the first degree:

  • Willfully and falsely swearing to, or affirming at oath or affirmation, or willfully procuring another person to falsely swear to, or affirm an oath or affirmation in connection with or arising out of, voting activities.
  • perpetrating, or attempting to perpetrate, or aiding in the perpetration of, fraud in connection with a vote cast, to be cast, or attempted to be cast.
  • Preventing a member from voting or preventing a member from voting as he or she intended, by fraudulently changing or attempting to change a ballot, ballot envelope, vote, or voting certificate of the member.
  •  Menacing, threatening, or using bribery or any other corruption to attempt, directly or indirectly, to influence, deceive, or deter a member when the member is voting.
  • Giving or promising directly or indirectly anything of value to another member with the intent to buy the vote of that member or another member or to corruptly influence that member or another member in casting his or her vote.  However, this does not apply to any food served which is to be consumed at the election rally or meeting or to any item of nominal value which is used as an election advertisement, including a campaign message designed to be worn by a member.
  •   Using or threatening to use direct or indirect force, violence or intimidation or any tactic of coercion or intimidation to induce or compel a member to vote or refrain from voting in an election or on a particular ballot measure.

2.         Homeowner Associations.  House Bill 437 (click here for the full bill).  These laws took effect on July 1,  2023:

Flags.   If displayed respectfully, a homeowner may display up to two (2) of the following flags:

  •  The United States flag.
  • The official flag of the State of Florida.
  • U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, or Coast Guard flag.
  • POW-MIA flag.
  • A first responder flag.

Storage & Display of Items.  An association may not restrict parcel owners or their tenants from installing, displaying, or storing any items on a parcel that are not visible from the parcel’s frontage or an adjacent parcel, including, but not limited to, artificial turf, boats, flags, and recreational vehicles.

3.         Condominiums.  Surfside “glitch” bill, reserves, and inspections.  This legislation has already taken effect:

On June 9, 2023, Governor DeSantis signed the “glitch” bill to purportedly fix some issues with the recent “Surfside” related inspection law.  The full text of the law is available here, and a .pdf of this portion of the article is available here.  Unless otherwise indicated, this legislation takes effect immediately.  As with many legislative efforts, determining the effectiveness of the legislation and the discovery of unintended consequences takes time.  At the very least, the changes to the Structural Integrity Reserve Study law (SB 154) listed below are a good start:

Reserve Funding:

  • Multi-condominium associations operating at least 25 condominiums can use a line of credit as an alternate funding source for reserve funding.
  • Reserve funding must be based on the association’s most recent Structural Integrity Reserve Study.
  • The requirements to waive reserves or use reserves for an alternate purpose (allowable only until 2025) has changed to a majority of the total membership from a majority of those present at a meeting in which quorum was attained.
  • Inflation can be considered by an association when determining reserve funding.
  • Depending on specific requirements, a 40 or 50-year certification may be used instead of the visual survey portion of a SIRS.
  • The unduly harsh strict liability standard to find a director liable for a breach of fiduciary duty for not complying with the new reserve requirements has been changed.  The new standard is now the more reasonable “willful and knowing.”
  • Reserves are only required for components an association is responsible for according to its Declaration.  Reserves are not needed for items whose useful life exceeds 25 years.  However, deferred maintenance reserves for these items are still required.
  • Along with architects and engineers, a reserve specialist can now perform the visual inspection portion of a SIRS.
  • Exterior doors are now reserve components, and the floor and foundation are not unless the floor and foundation are part of the building’s “structure,” which, of course, they are.


  • Insurance premiums are excluded from the 115% calculation that allows members to challenge a budget.
  • The Florida Building Code is designated as authoritative to determine the height of a building.
  • An association has a year or less (depending on local ordinances) to repair damage identified in an inspection.
  • Fourteen days’ notice to members is required upon an association’s receipt from a local governing authority a milestone inspection is required.  The notice must also include the date the milestone inspection must be completed.
  • An architect and an engineer acting as a licensed design professional may conduct a milestone inspection.
  • The definition of “substantial structural deterioration” was broadened to include “substantial structural weakness.”
  • A local governing authority has the discretion to extend an inspection deadline for “good cause,” which at the least requires the association to have entered into a contract for a milestone inspection that cannot be completed by the deadline.
  • No more than 45 days after receiving the inspection report from the architect or engineer, the association must post a summary on its website, mail it to the members, and make the summary or report available to renters.
  • Community association managers no longer have to comply with the structural inspection laws solely because they manage a property  “that has a building” on it.
  • Local authorities can set a 25-year inspection requirement based on environmental conditions, such as proximity to a shoreline.
  • Condominium units in which personal property is covered under a flood master policy or located above specific floors may not be required to have flood insurance.
  • As of July 1, 2027, mediation is available to members for certain structural and life-safety disputes.
  • Developers must provide prospective buyers with statements regarding milestone inspections, SIRS, and reserve studies, if applicable.  The law introduces additional presale notice requirements in contracts to ensure buyer awareness.

4.         Condominiums.  Safety, Security and Crime Prevention.  House Bill (HB) 837 overhauls Florida’s litigation landscape.  The law is already in effect and is expected to reduce frivolous liability claims against residential associations (click here for full bill text):

When implemented by an association, the following safeguards exempt an association from liability if a third party commits a crime on their property:

  • Security cameras at points of entry and exit that keep video retrievable for 30 days.
  • Lighted parking available from dusk to dawn.
    1. Lighting in common areas, porches, walkways, and laundry rooms from dusk to dawn.
  • Deadbolts measuring at least one inch on every door of every unit.
  • Locking devices on every window and sliding door not used for community purposes.
  • Locked gates at pool areas with fob or key access.
  • Peepholes or viewers on doors that do not have windows or window next to doors
  • By January 1, 2025, associations must have a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) study performed by a law enforcement agency or a Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner (FCP).  CPTED studies should be no older than 3 years old, and the association must substantially comply with the assessment.
  • Associations must also provide their employees with safety and crime prevention training by January 1, 2025.  This training must familiarize employees with security principles, devices, measures, and standards.  After January 1, 2025, associations must train new employees within 60 days.  The Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute of the Department of Legal Affairs will develop a proposed curriculum or best practices to implement the training.

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Are the million-dollar PPP loans many PBC golf communities collected justified?

In the News:


Six golf country clubs in Palm Beach County – Hunters Run, Quail Ridge, Wycliffe, Old Palm, Banyan Cay and the Loxahatchee Club – may have received as much as $18 million in PPP loans through the Small Business Administration.

Six golf course communities are among the more than 3,000 businesses in Palm Beach County that received Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loans through the Small Business Administration (SBA).

An analysis of the loans released this week by the SBA shows that the six clubs may have received as much as $18 million. The SBA had been sued by a number of newspaper organizations over the identity of the loan recipients. When the applicants applied, they were told the loans would be public record.

The program was designed to keep employees on the payroll. If employers do that and comply with the loan conditions, the loans become grants and do not have to be repaid.

The SBA agreed to identify all recipients of loans in excess of $150,000 but only provided ranges of funds received, refusing to reveal the exact amount.

The data released by the SBA do not include the amount of the loan but rather the loan amount a bank has approved. The actual amount of a loan could be smaller than the approved amount. All amounts are in ranges.

Some golf course communities that accepted PPP loans in Palm Beach County have recently spent upward of $10 million on massive improvements to their clubhouses and golf courses.

The clubs that took the money include:

– Hunters Run ($2 million to $5 million) in Boynton Beach.

– Quail Ridge ($1 million to $2 million) in Boynton Beach.

– Wycliffe ($2 million to $2.5 million) in Wellington.

– Old Palm ($1 million to $2 million) in Palm Beach Gardens.

– Banyan Cay Resort Club ($700,000 to $2 million) in West Palm Beach.

– The Loxahatchee Club Homeowners Association ($150,000 to $300,000) in Jupiter.

Scores of other Palm Beach country clubs had applied for the PPP loans. Many were approved but decided to refuse to accept the money on both moral grounds and legal grounds after reading the fine print. Government auditors are expected to review how the money was spent and can ask for the money to be returned and penalties to be imposed if they find misrepresentations.

Fifty-seven country clubs in Florida accepted the PPP funds. According to CNBC, more than 400 country clubs and golf courses received loans throughout the country. The issue of whether it is appropriate for golf course communities to receive PPP loans has been debated.

Assessment revenue a factor

Joshua Gerstin, a Boca Raton lawyer who specializes in homeowner and condominium association law, said he expects one factor the SBA will consider is how much revenue a country club gets from its assessments.

“If it is mostly assessment driven, the country club might have a problem,” he said. “If members continued to pay their assessments, there was no real loss of revenue. But if much of it comes from dining and other sources that members pay outside of their assessments, they could be eligible.”

According to the SBA, businesses must certify that the loan is needed “to support ongoing” operations and that they are unable to access “other sources of liquidity” to support their ongoing operations.

Addison Reserve General Manager Michael McCarthy said once he and his board saw those revised requirements, they decided that it would be wrong to participate in the PPP program.

“There was no way I could certify that we needed it stay in business or that we didn’t have other sources of liquidity,” he noted.

Wycliffe, Quail Ridge: We preserved jobs

Hunters Run President Michael Soroka declined to comment on the issue. According to the SBA, Hunters Run and Banyan failed to provide data to indicate how many jobs were saved by the loans. Wycliffe was chastised on CNBC early Tuesday morning for accepting its loan. The Post has learned that the Wycliffe loan amount was $2 million. It was able to preserve 281 jobs. Wycliffe’s general manager, Rob Martin, released a statement to The Post that read:

“At Wycliffe, we are thankful to all of our employees for their hard work and dedication through these challenging times. We took PPP money because we care deeply about our team and wanted to make sure that we had the ability to provide them a regular paycheck. Following the legal parameters, we only requested and received enough to cover our payroll needs and did not use our loan in any way to disadvantage other companies. We are thankful that we qualified to receive money so that our employees and their families could make ends meet during these challenging times.”

Quail Ridge GM William Langley said the PPP loan was used as intended. He noted that Quail Ridge would have had to have laid off many of its 300 employees without the loan. “We are not a club with deep pockets,” he said.

The Club at Admiral’s Cove in Jupiter was one of those that returned the funds – $3.1 million. “We saw too many issues, both moral and legal,” said CEO Bret Morris. “We did not want to take the risks.” He said Admiral Cove was able to keep its 500 employees working, noting: “We found other things for them to do.”

Finally! Florida Passes Emotional Support Animal Law.

Finally, the Florida legislature passedSB1084 a bill regulating the out of control problem of Emotional Support Animals in Florida’s community associations.  SB 1084 was signed into law by Governor DeSantis on July 1, 2020, and takes effect immediately.  The new law provides for the following (a copy of SB 1084 can be found here)(a copy of this page in .pdf can be found here)

1.  Amends Florida’s Fair Housing Act by prohibiting a housing provider, to the extent required by federal law, rule, or regulation, to deny housing to a person with a disability or a disability-related need who has an animal that is required as support. It defines emotional support
animal as an animal that is not required to be trained to assist a person with a disability but, by virtue of its presence, provides support to alleviate one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability.

2.  The bill prohibits a housing provider from charging a person with an emotional support animal additional fees. It does allow a housing provider to prohibit the animal if it poses a direct threat to the safety, health, or property of others and to request written documentation that reasonably supports that the person has a disability. The supporting information may be provided by any federal, state, or local government agency, specified health care practitioners, telehealth providers, or out-of-state practitioners who have provided in-person care or services to the tenant on at least one occasion. If a person requests to keep more than one emotional support animal, the housing provider may request information regarding the specific need for each animal and may require proof of licensing and vaccination requirements for each animal.

3.  The bill prohibits a housing provider to request information that discloses the diagnosis or severity of a person’s disability or any medical records relating to the disability. The housing provider is authorized to develop a routine process for reasonable accommodation requests relating to emotional support animals, but prohibits the denial of a request based only on a tenant’s failure to use a specific form or process.

4.  The bill creates a new cause for disciplinary action against a health care practitioner’s license for providing supporting information for an emotional support animal, without personal knowledge of the patient’s disability or disability-related need. It also creates the misdemeanor crime of providing false or fraudulent emotional support animal information or documentation, and requires a convicted person to perform 30 hours of community service for an organization serving persons with disabilities, or another entity or organization the court determines

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Florida Community Associations, Disclosing the Names of the Infected.

– Disclosing the Names of Infected Members in Florida’s Community Associations.

By: Joshua Gerstin, Esq.     (click here for .pdf version)

If a community association is aware a member has the coronavirus, the first step for the association should be to alert its members without naming the infected member(s). In this initial alert, the Association should remind its members to follow the guidelines of the local governing authorities and the CDC regarding staying healthy during this pandemic (washing hands, social distancing, etc.).  After sending the initial alert, determining whether the association can or must disclose the identity of an infected member is the troublesome next step.  Although this issue has not been decided by the courts or an administrative agency yet, there are various laws governing the disclosure of confidential medical information Florida’s community associations should familiarize themselves with.

The most widely known law covering medical information confidentiality is the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act known as “HIPPA”.  According to HIPPA, community associations do not qualify as a “covered entity” (ex. doctor’s office, etc.). As such, HIPPA generally does not apply to most of Florida’s community associations.  However,  Florida Statute §456.057 entitled Ownership and Control of Patient Records; report or copies of records to be furnished; disclosure of information (“Florida Medical Records Act”) and Florida Statute §720.303(5)(c)(4) (for homeowner associations) or §718.111(12)(c)(3)(d) (for the condominium associations) pertain to medical records within an association’s Official Records and may apply if the association has possession of the owner’s medical records indicating he/she is infected.  Based on a “strict reading” it is reasonable to conclude these Florida statutes ( §720.303(5)(c)(4), §718.111(12)(c)(3)(d) and §456.057) prohibit a community association from disclosing the identity of an infected member when knowledge of the infection was obtained from information contained in the infected member’s medical records.

In most instances, a community association will not be in possession of medical records indicating a diagnosis of infection.  Often times, an association will learn a member is infected from the inadvertent or purposeful disclosure by a care provider. In such instances, the association should determine whether the sick member authorized the disclosure to the association.  If so, the association should ask the sick member for written authority to disclose the information identifying him/her as having the coronavirus. Without written approval from the sick member, the purposeful or inadvertent disclosure by a medical professional of an infection does not give the association the ability to broadcast the same information to all of its members free from liability for its actions.

Most often, the association will have third or fourth hand information from an owner who knew or saw something leading them to conclude a member has been infected. Broadcasting such information to other members, although it may seem at least anecdotally accurate, will subject the association to liability.

Some alternative approaches to disclosing the name of the infected member(s) are:

1. Contacting the local health authorities and obtaining their opinion as to whether this person, based on the surrounding demographic, should be brought to a hospital for quarantine or what steps the person and the association should take.

2. Contact the individual to determine whether he or she would consent in writing to the disclosure of the infection. If the answer is yes, no problem, the association can disclose.

3. The Association should determine whether the individual and the in-home care givers are both isolating in the home and not going outside other than in their backyard or on their balcony. The association should routinely check-in with the person/caregivers via telephone and driving by as much as practical. Many condominium associations have security cameras that can monitor whether the infected member has left his/her unit and entered a common area or came into contact with a common element (ex. elevator).  The Association should continue this for the longest maximum time the CDC states a person is infectious. If an infected member flouts the CDC isolation guidelines, the police and local health department should be notified and asked to take action.  Relaying this health related information regarding an infected member to the health or police authorities would most likely not violate the above cited laws.

4.  Florida’s condominium associations should enact an action plan for banning any infected members from using the common areas and common elements (if they are not closed already). These plans should be done at a meeting of the board of directors with its attorney that is closed to the membership due to the discussion of medical information and anticipated litigation. However, the infected member(s) cannot be denied ingress or egress to their units/homes.  Therefore, especially in Florida’s condominium associations, a plan for extra, sustained cleaning of all common elements (ex. elevators) and common areas are a must.

Community association members, especially those in 55+ communities, are rightfully afraid of catching the coronavirus. As we become aware of the increasing amount of infections, community association members will demand their associations release the names of the infected with impassioned pleas for their own safety.  When this happens at your community association, your initial focus should be on alerting members to the many ways they can protect themselves while consulting with the association’s attorney and local health professionals in the development of an action plan.

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Coronavirus & Florida Community Association Emergency Powers.

How Florida’s Emergency Power Statutes Can Help Keep Your Community Safe.

(click here for .pdf version)

Both President Trump and Governor DeSantis invoked states of emergency and triggered the statutory emergency powers for Florida’s community associations. Found in Sections 718.1265, and 720.316 of the Florida Statutes, these emergency powers were enacted with hurricanes in mind.  However, the statutes apply whenever a national or state emergency is declared.  As such, these emergency powers can assist community associations in their fight against the spread of the Coronavirus.  Below is the statute with certain parts highlighted in bold you may find useful for your community association. Although the statute set forth below is the version for condominium associations, an identical version applies to homeowner associations. As always, speak with your association’s attorney before implementing any of these statutory emergency powers and follow the most updated directives from your local health officials.

718.1265 & 720.316?Association emergency powers.— (click here for HOA version)

(1)  To the extent allowed by law and unless specifically prohibited by the declaration of condominium, the articles, or the bylaws of an association, and consistent with the provisions of s. 617.0830, the board of administration, in response to damage caused by an event for which a state of emergency is declared pursuant to s. 252.36 in the locale in which the condominium is located, may, but is not required to, exercise the following powers:

(a)   Conduct board meetings and membership meetings with notice given as is practicable. Such notice may be given in any practicable manner, including publication, radio, United States mail, the Internet, public service announcements, and conspicuous posting on the condominium property or any other means the board deems reasonable under the circumstances. Notice of board decisions may be communicated as provided in this paragraph.

(b)   Cancel and reschedule any association meeting.

(c)    Name as assistant officers persons who are not directors, which assistant officers shall have the same authority as the executive officers to whom they are assistants during the state of emergency to accommodate the incapacity or unavailability of any officer of the association.

(d)   Relocate the association’s principal office or designate alternative principal offices.

(e)   Enter into agreements with local counties and municipalities to assist counties and municipalities with debris removal.

(f)?Implement a disaster plan before or immediately following the event for which a state of emergency is declared which may include, but is not limited to, shutting down or off elevators; electricity; water, sewer, or security systems; or air conditioners.

(g)   Based upon advice of emergency management officials or upon the advice of licensed professionals retained by the board, determine any portion of the condominium property unavailable for entry or occupancy by unit owners, family members, tenants, guests, agents, or invitees to protect the health, safety, or welfare of such persons.

(h)  Require the evacuation of the condominium property in the event of a mandatory evacuation order in the locale in which the condominium is located. Should any unit owner or other occupant of a condominium fail or refuse to evacuate the condominium property where the board has required evacuation, the association shall be immune from liability or injury to persons or property arising from such failure or refusal.

(i)  Based upon advice of emergency management officials or upon the advice of licensed professionals retained by the board, determine whether the condominium property can be safely inhabited or occupied. However, such determination is not conclusive as to any determination of habitability pursuant to the declaration.

(j)   Mitigate further damage, including taking action to contract for the removal of debris and to prevent or mitigate the spread of fungus, including, but not limited to, mold or mildew, by removing and disposing of wet drywall, insulation, carpet, cabinetry, or other fixtures on or within the condominium property, even if the unit owner is obligated by the declaration or law to insure or replace those fixtures and to remove personal property from a unit.

(k)  Contract, on behalf of any unit owner or owners, for items or services for which the owners are otherwise individually responsible, but which are necessary to prevent further damage to the condominium property. In such event, the unit owner or owners on whose behalf the board has contracted are responsible for reimbursing the association for the actual costs of the items or services, and the association may use its lien authority provided by s. 718.116 to enforce collection of the charges. Without limitation, such items or services may include the drying of units, the boarding of broken windows or doors, and the replacement of damaged air conditioners or air handlers to provide climate control in the units or other portions of the property.

(l)  Regardless of any provision to the contrary and even if such authority does not specifically appear in the declaration of condominium, articles, or bylaws of the association, levy special assessments without a vote of the owners.

(m) Without unit owners’ approval, borrow money and pledge association assets as collateral to fund emergency repairs and carry out the duties of the association when operating funds are insufficient. This paragraph does not limit the general authority of the association to borrow money, subject to such restrictions as are contained in the declaration of condominium, articles, or bylaws of the association.

(2)  The special powers authorized under subsection (1) shall be limited to that time reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the association and the unit owners and the unit owners’ family members, tenants, guests, agents, or invitees and shall be reasonably necessary to mitigate further damage and make emergency repairs.

Educational purposes only. Not meant for legal advice, please consult your attorney for legal advice.

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Gerstin & Associates
40 SE 5th St., Suite 610
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Telephone: (561) 750-3456
Fax: (561) 750-8185
Email: joshua@gerstin.com
Web: www.gerstin.com

Update. Florida Vacation Rental Bill SB1128 Amended to Protect Community Associations

No longer do Florida’s homeowner and condominium associations have to worry they are losing the ability to regulate vacation rentals. The ability of homeowner of condominium associations to limit or restrict vacation rentals such as Airbnb and VRBO is reestablished in a recently filed and approved amendment to SB1128 with the addition of the following provision:

“ The application of this act shall not supersede any current or future declaration or declaration of condominium adopted pursuant to chapter 718, Florida Statutes, cooperative documents adopted pursuant to chapter 719, Florida Statutes, or declaration of covenants or declaration adopted pursuant to chapter 720, Florida Statutes.”

Click here to read the original bill and click here to the recent amendment.   SB2118 remains in committee and has a long way to travel before it reaches the Governor’s desk.