2010 Florida Community Association Legislative Update

Fixing Previous Unintended Consequences or Making More?

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Homeowner Associations

§720.303(2)(b): HOA Directors’ Meetings. Clarified prior legislation. Board meetings can be closed if proposed or pending litigation is being discussed or if association personnel matters are being discussed.

§720.303(5): HOA Records. Owners’ record request is triggered by association’s receipt of the request. Records not available to owners: employee payroll, social security, driver’s license and credit card #’s, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, personal information used to identify. Association allowed to charge “reasonable costs” for duplication.

§720.303(6): HOA Budgets. Allows lot owners to terminate reserve funding by a majority vote of all those eligible to vote. Sets forth reserve funding requirements and the required disclosures when an association does not maintain reserves.

§720.303(12): HOA Director & Volunteer Compensation. Directors, officers and committee members may not receive compensation for performing their duties.  However, out-of-pocket expenses may be reimbursed either by a majority vote of votes casts at a members’ meeting or as otherwise allowed in the association’s Governing Documents.

§720.304 (2)(b): HOA Parcel Flags. All though association restrictions are severely limited, flags and flag poles on a parcel must still conform with local ordinances such as building codes, setback and location criteria that are codified in an association’s Governing Documents.

§720.305(2): HOA Member Obligations.  Associations can deny common area and facility use rights to owners more than ninety (90) days delinquent in monetary obligations. Utility services, parcel access and parking cannot be restricted and notice must be given to the owner before any restrictions are implemented. Fines. Fines in excess of $1,000.00 can be basis for a lien on an owner’s parcel. Governing Documents must authorize the fines to exceed $1,000.00 as well allow for the imposition of a lien.

§720.306(7): HOA Meetings.  Members’ meeting may be adjourned to a different location and at a different time.

§720.306(8): HOA Voting. Absentee ballots can be used in association elections if the two envelope secrecy and verification of one vote per parcel procedure is utilized and if allowable in the association’s Governing Documents.

§720.306(9): HOA Director Term. If absentee ballots are utilized nominations in advance of directors’ elections are allowed ( nominations from the floor are still required). If a board vacancy occurs, except if caused by a recall, the remaining directors may fill the vacancy or call an election. The new director, whether appointed or elected, serves only the unexpired term.

§720.308(5): Tenants & HOA Assessments. Tenants in homes in which the owner failed to pay assessments may be required to pay his/her rent to the association up to the amount of the delinquency. Notification to owner and tenant required. Association may file for eviction for tenants that refuse to comply. Prepaid rent, upon proof to the association, must be credited to owner’s account. Unanswered questions: Can the association demand rent for amounts that became due before the effective date of the law?   If the association collects rent on a short term tenancy, does it have to pay sales tax?  What if the owner doesn’t pay the sales tax – is the association liable since it collected the rental payments?   What about the expenses incurred by the association to collect rent?  With a receiver the Court allows the receiver’s fees to be paid from the rent (and the Court approves the payments or payment schedule). Does the association collect the entire rent check or is it only entitled to payment of current maintenance?  Does that mean the tenant pays rent in two checks – one to the association and one to the owner? Can the association use the ‘application of payments’ procedure to collect the entire balance on the owner’s account? How is the accounting done? Is the rent considered non-assessment income?

§720.315: HOA Developer Assessments. Developer controlled association’s cannot levy a special assessment on owners/potential owners, prior to the transition of control without approval by a majority of non developer owned homes/parcels at a special meeting.


Condominium Associations

1.   §399.02: Elevator Fire Fighter Service. Condominium and cooperative associations granted a five year extension to comply with new firefighter control upgrade requirements.

2.   §617.0721, 617.0808 and 617.1606: Corporate Statutes. The Florida Not for Profit Corporation Act is clarified. Member voting, removal of directors and access to records of The Florida Not for Profit Corporation Act do not apply to condominium, cooperative, or homeowners’ associations.

3.   §627.714: Condominium Insurance Policies. New individual condominium unit owner insurance policies must include lost assessment coverage of at least $2,000.00. Amount is not multiplied by the number of association assessments, considered  excess over other policies. The association’s policy and a maximum deductible of $250.00 per loss applies still applies.

4.   §633.0215: Florida Fire Prevention Code. Condominium and cooperative buildings less than four stories in height with an exterior exit corridors are exempt from the manual fire alarm requirements under Section 9.6 of the Life Safety Code.

5.   §718.110: Condominium Amendments, Leasing. Amendments regarding leasing are clarified as being limited to new restrictions that totally prohibit leasing or the number of leases. An amendment may reclassify as limited common elements, a portion of common elements designed and intended for use by less than all unit owners.

6.   §718.111(11): Condominium Insurance. The requirement of an a condominium unit owner to obtain their own insurance is repealed. Property excepted from Association insurance coverage is the responsibility of each unit owner. A condominium association must reevaluate the replacement cost amount for casualty coverage every 36 months. The special notice requirement a meeting at which a deductible is approved is repealed.

7.   §718.111(12): Condominium Association Records. The Association must remove from records available to owners electronic mailing addresses and telephone numbers upon the request of a member. The Association is not responsible for a member’s use of official records unless the Association had an affirmative duty to not disclose the misused information. Penalties are specified for persons who fail to keep records or defacing or destroying records. Information exempt from unit owner access and copy rights include most personnel records, Social Security and driver’s license numbers, e-mail addresses and emergency contact information, electronic security information.

8.   §718.111(13): Condominium Association Financial Records. Annual reserve summaries shall include a good faith estimate of reserves utilizing a straight line accounting method unless pooled reserves are utilized. Associations with fewer than seventy-five units may prepare a cash report, rather than a statutory financial report.

9.   §718.112(2)(d): Condominium Association Unit Owner Meetings. Cancelling a director’s election because there are not enough candidates is clarified. Outgoing directors are eligible for reappointment if there is no election. Co-owners serving as directors is permitted if the two owners own more than one unit. Within ninety days after election, a director must certify his or her their ability to comply with the condominium’s documents or has completed a State education course. If a certificate is not filed, the director may be temporarily suspended and the position filled by a board appointed alternative.

10.   §718.112(2)(l): Condominium Fire Sprinklers. By December 31, 2016, condominium associations that have not opted out of retrofitting requirements must apply for a building permit which will demonstrate compliance with the retrofitting requirement no later than December 31, 2019. If an effort to obtain members’ votes to opt out fails, the association may seek a new vote in three years.

11.   §718.111(2)(n): Condominium Association Director Delinquencies. Officers and directors who are delinquent for more than ninety days of not only regular assessments, but also any monetary obligations to the association shall be deemed to abandon their office.

12.   §718.111(2)(o): Condominium Association Director Crimes. An officer or director charged by indictment or information of felony theft or embezzlement of their condominium association’s funds, are suspended, until the earlier of a resolution of charges or the end of their term.

13.   §718.115(d): Condominium Telecommunications Services. Telecommunication services such as internet access and similar services provided pursuant to a bulk contract may be incorporated into an association’s budget.

14.   §718.116: Condominium Association Assessments. Lenders who acquire units as the result of a mortgage foreclosure are required to pay twelve months of delinquent assessments, or one percent of the original principal balance on the unit, whichever is less.

(a).  Tenants.  Tenants occupying units in which the owner failed to pay assessments may be required to pay his/her rent to the association up to the amount of the delinquency. Notification to owner and tenant required. Association may file for eviction for tenants that refuse to comply. Prepaid rent, upon proof to the association, must be credited to owner’s account.  Unanswered questions:

(i) Can the association demand rent for amounts that became due before the effective date of the law?

(ii) If the association collects rent on a short term tenancy, does it have to pay sales tax?  What if the owner doesn’t pay the sales tax – is the association liable since it collected the rental payments?

(iii) What about the expenses incurred by the association to collect rent?  With a receiver the Court allows the receiver’s fees to be paid from the rent (and the Court approves the payments or payment schedule).

(iv) Does the association collect the entire rent check or is it only entitled to payment of current maintenance?  Does that mean the tenant pays rent in two checks – one to the association and one to the owner?

(v) Can the association use the ‘application of payments’ procedure to collect the entire balance on the owner’s account?

(vi) How is the accounting done? Is the rent considered non-assessment income?

15.   §718.117: Condominium Termination. The procedure of terminating a condominium after a catastrophe or when the condominium governance structure is no longer economically viable is clarified.

16.   §718.303: Condominium Enforcement. If a unit owner’s monetary obligations, including assessments, are delinquent for over ninety days, then common element and facility use rights and voting rights may be suspended, except for such rights intended only for that unit for egress, ingress, parking and elevator access. Fines or suspensions may not occur without fourteen days advance notice to the unit owner and the person whose rights will be suspended or who will be fined. A notice and hearing is unnecessary if a suspension or fine is to the of failure pay monetary obligations owed to the association. The board of directors must approve a suspension.

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***Updated with Florida’s 2013 Legislative Amendments, Transition of Control of a Florida Community Association



Transition of Control of a Florida Community Association  

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A wise man once said “transitions are never easy”. A wise lawyer once said “transition of control of a Florida community association are never easy and can be disastrous”.

Following is a general list of items for a community association to be aware of as they proceed towards the important process of the transition of control from a developer controlled association to that of a member controlled association. The following information is intended as general information and not legal advice. For legal advice an attorney must be consulted.

We accumulated the following information based upon our experience in representing many community associations and have found the following tasks and information is important for an association’s members to undertake and review prior to signing a release with the developer.

1.    Interviewing of banks. Immediately after the transition the association should open new bank accounts.  The forms necessary to open the appropriate accounts should be secured now to avoid undue delay.

2.    Begin interviewing professionals, which should in the very least include:

a.    Accountant;

b.    Property manager;

c.    Attorney; and

d.    Engineer (with experience in community association transitions).

3.    If the post office is diverting the mail sent to the association to an address of the developer, secure the forms to have the mail sent directly to the association.

4.    Secure from the Florida Secretary of State a statement of change for the Registered Agent.  This document can be downloaded from www.sunbiz.org.

5.    A form known as “Request for Copy of Tax Form” should be retrieved from the Internal Revenue Service. The completion and eventual submission of this form will enable the association to obtain the previous three (3) years of tax returns after the transition of control is complete.

6.    Begin identifying potential candidates for Board of Directors’ positions.

Following are a list of items that we attempt to receive from a developer during the
transition period:

a.    A full and complete copy of the association’s Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations;

b.    The financial records of the association from the date of incorporation through the present date;

c.    Access to, and control of, the association’s funds that remain in the developer’s bank accounts for the association;

d.    Copies of all deeds to common property owned by the association;

e.    Copies of the minute books from all of the meetings held by the Director;

f.    Bills of sale, or receipts for, any of the association’s tangible personal property;

g.    Copy of all contracts to which the association is presently a party.  Such contracts typically include landscaping, property management, accounting, janitorial, etc.;

h.    Name, address and telephone numbers of all contractors and/or employees that are presently being employed by the association;

i.    Copies of any and all insurance policies that are presently in effect;

j.    A complete list of all current home owners along with their address, telephone number and, if applicable, section or lot numbers;

k.    Any and all warranties the association might possess for items such as air conditioning, the pool, etc;

l.    Any and all permits issued by governmental authorities that regulate the association from the present date relating back to approximately one year prior;

m.    Any leases for the common areas to which the association is a party;

n.    Copy of any master keys or keys utilized for the common areas;

o.    An up to date ledger sheet for each owner and any assessment payments that are in arrears as well as a full payment history for each owner; and

p.    The “Official Records” of the association  Florida Statute §720.303(4), lists the official records that an association is required to maintain for a period of seven (7) years.  The developer is also under this duty and should have these documents in its possession.  I have enclosed for your review a copy of this statute.

***2013 Florida Legislative Amendments

F.S.§ 720.303 (6)(d) Budgets.  If a homeowner association developer elects to maintain a reserve account for the HOA, the developer’s budget must designate the particular purpose or use of the funds.  The underlined portion below is the amended text of F.S.§ 720.303 (6)(d):

(d) An association is deemed to have provided for reserve accounts if reserve accounts have been initially established by the developer or if the membership of the association affirmatively elects to  provide for   reserves. If reserve accounts are established by the developer, the budget must designate the components for which the reserve accounts may be used. If reserve accounts are not initially provided by the developer, the membership of the association may elect to do so upon the affirmative approval of a majority of the total voting interests of the association.  .  .

F.S. § 720.307 Transition of association control in a community —Added to the threshold for an “automatic transition” to member control are a developer’s abandonment of its assessment, maintenance or construction responsibilities or if the developer files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, enters receivership or loses title to a common area through a foreclosure.  The underlined portion below is the amended text of F.S. § 720.307:

720.307 Transition of association control in a community.—

With respect to homeowners’ associations:

(1)        Members other than the developer are entitled to elect at least a majority of the members of the board of directors of the homeowners’ association when the earlier of the following events occurs:

. . .

c)  Upon the developer abandoning or deserting its responsibility to maintain and complete the amenities or infrastructure as disclosed in the governing documents. There is a rebuttable presumption that the developer has abandoned and deserted the property if the developer has unpaid assessments or guaranteed amounts under s. 720.308 for a period of more than 2 years;

(d)  Upon the developer filing a petition seeking protection under chapter 7  of the federal Bankruptcy Code;

(e)  Upon the developer losing title to the property through a foreclosure action or the transfer of a deed in lieu of foreclosure, unless the successor owner has accepted an assignment of developer rights and responsibilities first arising after the date of such assignment; or

(f)  Upon a receiver for the developer being appointed by a circuit court and not being discharged within 30 days after such appointment, unless the court determines within 30 days after such appointment that transfer of control would be detrimental to the association or its members.


F.S. § 720.307  Pre-transition Board of Directors. The amendment to F.S. §720.307 also lowered the threshold for a member to serve as a director on the pre-transition Board of Directors. Members, other than the developer, are allowed to elect at least one non-developer related member to the pre-transition Board of Directors if 50% of the parcels in all phases have been conveyed to the members.

F.S. § 720.3075 Prohibited clauses in association documents–Developers. At any point pre-transition of control (not the 90% conveyed mark) a developer’s unilateral amendment to the Governing Documents will be subject to scrutiny as to its reasonableness. No longer considered reasonable or allowable are “ . . .amendments to the governing documents that are arbitrary, capricious, or in bad faith; destroy the general plan of development; prejudice the rights of existing nondeveloper members to use and enjoy the benefits of common property; or materially shift economic burdens from the developer to the existing nondeveloper members.”

The above list is not exhaustive; however, by beginning to request these items the association will be in a better position as the transition progresses.   Additionally, it is recommended the association accept the transition of the developer via the resignation of developer members of the Board and then placement of owner member directors after an election.  At that time, developers often request the association sign a release.  By signing a release the association will waive any and all rights that it might have to claims for construction defects and/or misappropriation of funds.  As such, the association should have the transition of control occur and then retain the services of an accountant, an attorney and an engineer.  These professionals will perform what is commonly known as “due diligence”.  Without hiring these professionals there is no way the association can truly know whether or not they are aware of every issue that remains outstanding, or liability incurred by the developer, that is now an association liability.

Certain times the above referenced reports issued by these professionals have minor problems that are easily settled with the developer. Other times, there are hidden problems that would have surely gone unnoticed if it were not for the diligent work of these professionals.  Either way, the association’s Board of Directors has a fiduciary duty to its members and should in the very least understand the present state of the association before signing a release with the developer.

After the reports from the professionals are returned to the association, the Board of Directors should attempt to informally negotiate with the developer for any repairs or funds they believe are owed.  This informal approach should involve keeping the association’s counsel informed as to its status and, if necessary, the review of documents.  If the association is successful in its negotiations, the attorney for the association, as well as that of the developer, can draft the final documents.  If the negotiations are not successful, the attorney for the association should still attempt to settle the matter with the developer’s attorney with a set time period for completion.  It is always better to try and settle for a fair amount then filing a lawsuit.  However, sometimes it is unavoidable and a lawsuit is necessary

Medically Necessary Pets

“Medically Necessary” Pets in Florida’s Pet Restricted Condo and Homeowner Associations


There are a growing number of advocates who feel community association pet restrictions should be illegal. These groups have internet sites complete with “sample doctor’s notes” for use by those who want to get around pet restrictions they agreed to when they bought into their community association. Pet owners have been submitting “Medically Necessary” prescriptions for their pets in large numbers. Owners that purchased in the communities that promised through their Governing Documents to restrict pets, are threatening to sue. Wanting to do the right thing and fearful of intervention by a governmental agency or a lawsuit from both the pet owner(s) and their neighbors, Board members are starting to learn the ins and outs of this potential minefield to better serve all of the people involved.

Legal Background:

Although many people cite the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) as the basis for their “anti?pet restriction” position, the ADA does not apply to community associations because they are not places of public accommodation. The law that does apply to Florida’s community associations is the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (“Act”). This law prohibits discrimination on the basis of a “handicap”, which is broadly defined in the law to include most physical or mental maladies that impair a major life function. Florida has adopted the Act; therefore, references made to other Federal Court decisions from other states are binding on Florida. The Florida Committee on Human Relations and the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) enforce the Act.

The Act requires the association to make reasonable accommodations for disabled people to fully enjoy their premises. Such reasonable accommodations include, without a doubt, an association issuing a waiver of its pet restrictions. Recently, HUD updated (and although they deny it, I believe expanded) its regulations relating to the Act and animals that provide medically necessary support for their owner’s disabilities. Following are excerpts from public comments made by HUD in their public analysis of their updates to the ACT:

Under both the Fair Housing Act and Section 504, in order for a requested accommodation to qualify as a reasonable accommodation, the requester must have a disability, and the accommodation must be necessary to afford a person with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. To show that a requested accommodation may be necessary, there must be an identifiable relationship, or nexus, between the requested accommodation and the person’s disability. Thus, in the case of assistance/service animals, an individual with a disability must demonstrate a nexus between his or her disability and the function the service animal provides. The Department’s position has been that animals necessary as a reasonable accommodation do not necessarily need to have specialized training. Some animals perform tasks that require training, and others provide assistance that does not require training. (Emphasis added).

Housing providers are entitled to verify the existence of the disability, and the need for the accommodationif either is not readily apparent. Accordingly, persons who are seeking a reasonable accommodation for an emotional support animal may be required to provide documentation from a physician, psychiatrist, social worker, or other mental health professional that the animal provides support that alleviates at least one of the identified symptoms or effects of the existing disability. (Emphasis added).. . .in order to qualify as a reasonable accommodation, the requester must have a disability, and there must be a relationship between the requested accommodation and that person’s disability. For example, the person with a disability who is requesting the assistance animal must demonstrate a disabilityrelated need for the animal, such as service, or assistance, performing tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability, or providing emotional support that alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability. Examples of disabilityrelated functions, include, but are not limited to, guiding individuals who are blind or have low vision, alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to sounds, providing rescue assistance, pulling a wheelchair, fetching items, alerting persons to impending seizures, or providing emotional support to persons with disabilities who have a disabilityrelated need for such support. (Emphasis added). Based on the above guidance from HUD “each case brought to the association should be a factintensive, case specific determination”. Janush v. Charities Hous. Dev. Corp., 159 F. Supp. 2d 1133 (N.D. Cal. 2000); Majors v. Hous. Auth. of the County of DeKalb, Ga., 652 F.2d 454, 45758(5th Cir. 1981). Please note, in conducting an analysis of a possible waiver, the Board cannot share an owner’s submitted medical information to the members at large. Further, other than stating a waiver for “medical necessity” was granted, the Board should not discuss an owner’s condition with the members. Further, all evidence submitted by an owner should be kept in a separate file marked CONFIDENTIAL” and should not be released pursuant to any record requests from an owner. Violations can result in both State and Federal lawsuits.

Based on the above guidance from HUD “each case brought to the association should be a fact? intensive, case specific determination”. Janush v. Charities Hous. Dev. Corp., 159 F. Supp. 2d 1133 (N.D. Cal. 2000); Majors v. Hous. Auth. of the County of DeKalb, Ga., 652 F.2d 454, 457?58 (5th Cir. 1981). The Board’s duty of establishing that a “support animal” is necessary for an owner to use and enjoy their residence is critical. Courts have consistently held that an owner requesting an emotional support animal as a reasonable accommodation must demonstrate a relationship between his or her ability to function and the companionship of the animal. See, e.g., Majors v. Housing Authority of the County of Dekalb, 652 F.2d 454 (5th Cir. 1981); Housing Authority of the City of New London v. Tarrant, 1997 Conn.

Super. LEXIS 120 (Conn. Super. Ct. Jan. 14, 1997); Whittier Terrace v. Hampshire, 532 N.E.2d 712 (Mass. App. Ct. 1989); Durkee v. Staszak, 636 N.Y.S.2d 880 (N.Y.App.Div. 1996); Crossroads Apartments v. LeBoo, 578 N.Y.S.2d 1004 (City Court of Rochester, N.Y. 1991).


Each case has to be reviewed by the Board on its own merits based upon submissions from the owner and the owner’s doctor or similar professional. In conducting an analysis of a possible waiver of pet restrictions, the Board cannot share an owner’s submitted medical information to the members at large. Further, other than stating a waiver for “medical necessity” was granted, the Board should not discuss an owner’s condition with the members. Further, all evidence submitted by an owner should be kept in a separate file marked CONFIDENTIAL” and should not be released pursuant to any record requests from an owner. Violations can result in both State and Federal lawsuits.

Although a fool proof method to avoid being sued or upsetting at least one group of owners does not exist. Understanding the requirements and working with your community’s attorney for each owner submission will go a very long way in keeping the board out of the dog house!